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Frequently asked questions – Astronauts

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Canadian Space Agency (CSA) astronauts

  • How many CSA astronauts are there?

    Since , 14 Canadians have been selected to become astronauts.

    Currently Canada has four active astronauts: Jeremy Hansen, David Saint-Jacques, Jenni Gibbons and Joshua Kutryk.

    Canadian astronauts

  • Canadian astronauts: Who was the first Canadian to fly into space?

    Former CSA astronaut Marc Garneau became the first Canadian in space when he participated in Mission STS-41G in .

  • Canadian astronauts: Who was the first Canadian to conduct a spacewalk?

    Former CSA astronaut Chris Hadfield was the first Canadian to walk in space. He conducted two spacewalks to help attach the powerful Canadarm2 to the ISS during Mission STS-100 in .

  • Canadian astronauts: How many CSA astronauts have conducted a spacewalk?
    • In , Chris Hadfield performed two spacewalks during Mission STS-100. He was the first Canadian to perform a spacewalk. In total, Chris spent 14 hours and 54 minutes outside.
    • In , Steve MacLean became the second Canadian to perform a spacewalk during Mission STS-115. He spent 7 hours and 11 minutes in space.
    • In , Dave Williams took part in three spacewalks during Mission STS-118. He spent 17 hours and 47 minutes outside, a record for a CSA astronaut.
    • In , David Saint-Jacques took part in a spacewalk during Expedition 59. He worked outside the ISS for 6 hours and 29 minutes to complete a series of tasks.
  • Canadian astronauts: Where do the astronauts live when they are not on a space mission?

    Most active CSA astronauts live in Houston, Texas. They work at NASA's Johnson Space Center. However, David Saint-Jacques lives in Montreal while being an active astronaut.

    Those who live in Houston travel back to Canada periodically to meet and speak with Canadians, participate in outreach events, and encourage young Canadians to pursue their education in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

    Their training often takes them to other places around the world, such as Russia, Japan and Europe.

  • Canadian astronauts: What do astronauts do when they are not on a space mission?

    Visit the About being an astronaut page to learn more.

How to contact astronauts

  • How can I contact an astronaut?

    The contact information of active and former astronauts is confidential. However, you can write them an email or send a letter to:

    Canadian Astronaut Office
    Attention: [Astronaut's name]
    Canadian Space Agency
    6767 Route de l'Aéroport
    Borough of Saint-Hubert
    Longueuil, Quebec
    J3Y 8Y9

    For any interview request, please contact Media Relations.

  • How can I invite an astronaut to be a guest speaker at an event?

    Visit the Inviting an astronaut or a speaker page to learn more.

  • Where can I find out more about Chris Hadfield?

    To find out more about former CSA astronaut Chris Hadfield, please consult his biography. You may also visit Chris Hadfield's website.

Working in space

  • How often do astronauts conduct scientific experiments on the ISS?

    Astronauts conduct scientific experiments every day on the ISS, but they have a reduced workload on Saturday and Sunday.

Living in space

  • Can astronauts easily adapt to microgravity?

    Watch this video in which Chris Hadfield explains how the human body adapts to microgravity.

  • What do astronauts eat in space? Does microgravity affect their sense of taste?

    Visit the Eating in space page to learn more.

  • Does the food sent to astronauts on the ISS take up a lot of room?

    The mass, volume and density of food sent to the ISS depends on the type of food as well as its format: rehydratable, canned, natural state, etc.

    For example, for rehydratable foods, each container without food has a mass of approximately 5 g. The maximum amount of rehydrated food is 40 g, and the maximum water added to the container is 250 ml. The amount of water added to different rehydratable foods varies depending on the food: some products only require 75 ml of water, while others require 250 ml.

    For more information, please visit the Eating in space page.

  • What do the astronauts' personal quarters look like on the ISS?

    Visit the Sleeping in space page to learn more.

  • How often do astronauts exercise on the ISS?

    Visit the Physical activity in space page to learn more.

  • Isn't it lonely on the ISS?

    Here is former CSA astronaut Chris Hadfield's answer to this question:

    "In the centre of every big city in the world, surrounded by noise and teeming millions of people, are lonely people.

    Loneliness is not so much where you are, but instead is your state of mind. On Station with the world in our window, people on the radio, family just a phone call away, and other crewmembers to chat with, plus a full plate of experiments and work to do.

    Loneliness is no more of a problem than it is everywhere else."

  • Can you cry in space?

    Yes! You can cry in space and your eyes make tears, just like on Earth. However, because of microgravity, tears don't fall in space; they stick to your eyes as liquid balls.

    Astronauts need to use handkerchiefs to wipe their tears.

  • How do you go to the bathroom in space?

    Visit the Personal hygiene in space page to learn more.

  • What does space smell like?

    The vacuum of space has no smell. But when astronauts come in from a spacewalk, the airlock smells like metal or gunpowder.

  • What does space look like from the ISS?

    According to former CSA astronaut Chris Hadfield, "It looks like a carpet of countless tiny perfect unblinking lights in endless velvet, with the Milky Way as a glowing area of paler texture."

  • How do astronauts on the ISS wash their clothes?

    It is impossible to wash clothes on board the ISS! Quite simply, it would take too much water.

    The astronauts therefore wear their clothes until they are too dirty and then dispose of them. All ISS waste burns up in the atmosphere on re-entry.

    For more information, please visit the Personal hygiene in space page.

  • How do astronauts take a shower in space?

    Visit the Personal hygiene in space page to learn more.

  • What is the prettiest thing to look at from space?

    All astronauts give the same answer: planet Earth!

    Julie Payette never grew tired of "the magnificent beauty of our planet. From space, it looks like a blue and white marble against a backdrop of blackness. In orbit, you can see the clouds, the oceans, the mountains, and even the general shape of major cities and airports."

  • Do female astronauts get their period in space?

    Yes, female astronauts get their period in space just like they do on Earth. No menstrual problems have been associated with living in microgravity.

    In the early years of human space flight, some worried that women would not have their periods safely in microgravity. They thought that microgravity might cause menstrual fluid to travel upwards into the body instead of out of it – also called retrograde menstrual flow. This would mean that blood would flow from the uterine cavity into the fallopian tubes and then into the pelvis and abdomen, causing pain and increasing the risk for endometriosis. While this has not been observed in past space missions, more studies are needed to better understand how the body works and reacts to microgravity.

    For a variety of reasons, however, many female astronauts prefer to take low-dose oral contraceptives in a continuous fashion to reduce or stop menses during a long-duration mission; therefore, accumulating information on natural menstrual cycles in space is expected to take several years.

  • How does water reach the ISS?

    Part of the water on the ISS is sent through bags in supply vessels. The other part is recycled from the water that is already on board!

    Check out this video where Chris Hadfield demonstrates how the Water Recovery System works, recycling 93% of the water and other fluids produced on board! The wastewater (urine, moisture, sweat, etc.) is purified to make drinking water. Since the system was implemented in , about 6,000 litres of water per year have been recycled on the ISS.

    The ISS is practically a self-sustaining environment in terms of drinking water production. This is a critical step towards living for long periods off planet Earth, and it is also useful in remote parts of the world.

Hazards of space

  • What kinds of hazards are astronauts exposed to on the job?

    The biggest danger is launch – all that power and acceleration.

    Once they are in orbit, astronauts face a steady threat of radiation, meteoroid impacts, and system failure on the ISS, like fire, ammonia breakthrough, or depressurization.

  • Can astronauts hear it when meteoroids hit the ISS or the solar panels?

    Sometimes astronauts hear "pings!" as micrometeoroids and bits of space debris hit the ISS. The solar panels are full of tiny holes from the impacts!

  • Aren't astronauts scared to be in space?

    Here is former CSA astronaut Chris Hadfield's answer to this question:

    "Fear comes from being unprepared when facing the unknown.

    Being thrust into an unexpected situation and not knowing what to do makes everyone uncomfortable, and thus we fear it, especially if it can embarrass or kill us. As astronauts, we avoid this by working for years to understand the unknown, and decide in advance what we will do.

    That's why we study so much, and why we live and work in simulators. Often the first time you try something hard you are nervous, but the 50th time it feels normal. We try and make everything that might happen during a space flight feel just like that.

    So it's not that we're extra brave – we're just extra prepared."

  • Is it cold or hot in space?

    Both! The ISS orbits about 400 km above Earth's surface. In the shade, it's -120 degrees Celsius, and +150 degrees Celsius in the Sun.

    The astronauts can hear the creaks and snaps of expanding metal as the ISS goes in and out of the sunlight!

    The farther from the Sun, the colder it is. These significant temperature differences need to be taken into careful consideration when designing spacecraft or satellites.

  • What are the health hazards related to space exploration?

    Please consult the How does space affect the human body? infographic and the Effects of space on the body page.

Time and schedule in space

  • What time zone do astronauts live by?

    Astronauts aboard the ISS live on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). It's a compromise between the Mission Control Centers in Houston and Moscow.

    Pro tip: just remember that time on the ISS is the same as in London, England.

  • Do astronauts switch off the lights at "night"?

    Astronauts aboard the ISS shut off most lights at bedtime – it feels right to do it! Plus, it helps save a lot of precious power and energy on the ISS.

    Visit the Sleeping in space page to learn more.

Space exploration

  • How can I see a launch?

    , marked the final launch of the Space Shuttle Program. Since then, numerous uncrewed launches have taken place at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida, and crewed launches resumed at KSC in as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program.

    Please refer to the KSC website for more information about how to watch a launch from an official launch-viewing area.

    Other sites exist in Europe, French Guiana and Kazakhstan, for example. Visit those space agencies' websites to learn more.

    By visiting the CSA, NASA and ESA social media pages, it is possible to watch the launches from the comfort of your home.

  • What is the longest time anyone has ever spent in space?

    Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka holds the record for the longest accumulated stay in space, clocking 879 days in orbit, during five different missions.

    Another Russian cosmonaut, Dr. Valeri Polyakov, holds the record for the longest continuous stay in space: 437 days, 17 hours and 38 minutes (14 months) on Mir, from to .

Speed and location of the ISS

Internet and social media in space

  • How do astronauts find the time to use social media on the ISS?

    Astronauts work in the labs all day. But during their personal time, or when there's a short break between events, they can quickly share what they're doing, or post a recent picture.

    It's an extremely simple way to share the incredible adventure of space travel, with the rawness of immediacy.

    Visit the Relaxing in space page to learn more.

  • How can astronauts use social media from space?

    Astronauts use social media on a regular laptop. The ISS signal is relayed via satellite to a mirror site at Mission Control Center in Houston, Texas.

    Though the connection is very slow, and only available at certain times of the day (depending on satellite links), it allows for direct, simple access to the Internet, making it perfect for social media.

    Visit the Relaxing in space page to learn more.

Taking pictures and filming in space

  • Does time spent taking pictures affect the scientific work?

    Taking pictures of Earth is a designated part of the scientific work on board the ISS.

    Astronauts track:

    • climate change
    • urban sprawl
    • major events like volcanic eruptions, wildfires and hurricanes

    It's also a favourite hobby to pursue after they finish working. Check out this video where Chris Hadfield shares his techniques and his passion for capturing fleeting glimpses of our changing world.

  • What kind of cameras do astronauts use to take photos of Earth from the ISS?

    The cameras on the ISS are continuously replaced as new models come out. Many of the cameras are now Nikon D5, but some of the older cameras have been kept.

    Astronauts use a variety of lenses out to 400 mm. They can even take them out into the vacuum of space!

  • How do astronauts know what part of Earth they are over when they take pictures?

    Since the ISS orbits Earth every 92 minutes, astronauts get to know the planet pretty well… sort of like how you know your own neighbourhood!

    Astronauts also have a computer on the ISS that detects their location, plus a couple of big atlases.

  • Why don't astronauts take photos of the stars or the Moon?

    They can, but most of the windows on the ISS face Earth.

    To photograph the stars, they also need to make it dark, and the upwards-facing windows are in brightly lit locations.

    And finally, the stars, though clear and bright from space, are not significantly different from what we see on a very clear and dark night on Earth. And our planet's details and contrasts are much more mesmerizing!

  • Why are the night shots covered in small multi-coloured dots?

    Photos from the ISS are taken with a high ISO parameter. With the high radiation in space, the pixels die much faster.

    Therefore, the night shots come out covered in dots that look like multi-coloured stars. White spots mean all (RGB) subpixels have failed. Red, green and blue spots mean a failure of any number of the other subpixels.

  • Do astronauts edit the videos they make on the ISS?

    The CSA edits and posts the CSA astronauts' videos on social media.

  • Can you see Earth pollution from space?

    Yes, Earth pollution is visible from space.

    Light pollution

    The Cities at Night project – a collaboration of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, the Cégep de Sherbrooke and members of the public – was tracking light pollution.

    The project aimed to:

    • collect thousands of pictures taken by astronauts from the ISS
    • generate a colour map of Earth at night
    • study the negative effects of light pollution on ecosystems and human health

    Atmospheric pollution

    Satellites – including our Canadian Earth observation satellites – monitor our environment and the effects of pollution on air, water and land.

    For example, they can collect data on carbon monoxide emissions across the globe, and track whether they are from natural or human sources.

    Also, from the ISS, astronauts can clearly see:

    • forest clearcutting
    • volcanic eruptions
    • wildfires
    • river pollution
    • smog

Astronaut recruitment

  • When was the CSA's last recruitment campaign?

    The last astronaut recruitment campaign was held in . Three other campaigns were held in , and .

    Visit the recruitment campaign and the History of the Canadian astronaut corps pages to learn more.

  • What are the requirements to become an astronaut?

    Visit the Requirements and conditions of astronaut employment page and the astronauts page to learn more.

  • Can you describe the tests the candidates were put through during the last recruitment process?

    Read our Astronaut Recruitment Campaign recap.

  • How were the tests developed?

    The evaluation tools used to assess the candidates as part of the CSA's astronaut recruitment campaign were developed in collaboration with the Department of National Defence's Director of Fitness (DFIT) and Director General Military Personnel Research and Analysis. These candidates' assessments were executed with direct support from the following organizations:

    • Department of National Defence
      • Personnel Support Program from Saint-Jean Garrison and Canadian Forces Base Halifax
      • Director General Military Personnel Research and Analysis
      • DFIT Human Performance Research and Development
    • Canadian Armed Forces
      • Specialist officers from various bases
      • Saint-Jean Garrison
      • 2nd Canadian Division Support Group
      • Canadian Forces Base Halifax
      • Canadian Forces Naval Engineering School, Damage Control Division
    • Private companies
      • Falck Safety Canada
      • Survival Systems Training Limited
      • Concept-R

    The medical assessment of the candidates was conducted with direct support from the Canadian Forces Health Services Group and the following organizations:

    • North York General Hospital
    • North York Eye Clinic
    • Life Labs
  • How did the CSA ensure a diversified pool of candidates?

    The recruitment campaign was open to all Canadians who met the education and professional experience requirements. More than 13% of the 3772 applications received were submitted by people who self-identified as visible minorities, and about 22.5% were women. The CSA received applications from all regions of Canada, as well as from Canadians living abroad.

    The selection process was designed to be rigorous and meet the highest standards of fairness. The selected candidates are those who best met all requirements for the position.

  • What kind of training do new astronauts receive?

    All astronaut recruits must take a three-phase training program.

    New astronauts first undergo basic training, which focuses on basic astronaut skills. It covers many subjects, from space flight to life science, robotics, Earth observation, media relations and handling of photo equipment.

    Recruits are also put in challenging situations to help them develop their operational and analytical skills as well as judgment in extreme conditions. They learn to fly a plane; practise spacewalking in the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory, a 12-metre-deep swimming pool; and participate in space mission simulations and survival expeditions.

    Upon successful completion of the basic training program, candidates are officially given the title of astronaut and move on to the next phases of their training.

  • What is the annual salary of an astronaut?

    The astronauts' salary scale has three levels:

    1. Entry level: Includes the training period (formal training and work experience) required to become fully proficient in an operational setting related to space flight.
    2. Qualified level: Is attained after successful completion of the NASA Astronaut Basic Training Program or equivalent. The astronaut is then deemed fully qualified and awaits a space mission assignment.
    3. Senior level: Is attained once the astronaut has successfully completed a space mission.

    The salary scale for Levels I to III varies from $97,100 to $189,600 ( data).

  • What type of employment contract are astronauts given?

    Astronauts are hired on a term basis.

    The initial appointment serves as an evaluation period, lasting up to three years. Upon successful completion of the evaluation period, the astronaut will be offered a five-year term appointment, which may be renewed.

  • What exactly do astronauts do?

    Visit the About being an astronaut page to learn more.

  • What are the best programs of study in order to become an astronaut?

    The CSA does not recommend any particular program of study.

    You should choose a program of study that you love. That way, regardless of which career path you take, you will be doing something you enjoy that will help you reach your potential.

    The CSA generally recruits scientists, engineers and doctors with extensive knowledge and experience.

    Visit the Requirements and conditions of astronaut employment page to learn more. You can also get to know Canada's active and former astronauts by visiting the astronauts page.

  • Are there any age restrictions on becoming an astronaut?

    No. For your reference, the applicants chosen in by the CSA were 33 and 39 years old when they were selected, and those in were 29 and 35 years old.

    The applicants chosen by NASA in were between ages 26 and 46 when they were selected.

    Learn more about our CSA astronauts and their careers.

  • Is it necessary to be a Canadian citizen to become a CSA astronaut?

    Applicants must be:

    • Canadian citizens; or
    • Permanent residents of Canada.
      • Preference is given to Canadian citizens.

    Visit the Requirements and conditions of astronaut employment page to learn more.

  • Do you need any experience as a pilot to become an astronaut?

    No. However, piloting experience, be it military or private, is a definite asset for any astronaut candidate.

    Visit the Requirements and conditions of astronaut employment page to learn more.

  • Are applications accepted from people who have undergone laser vision correction surgery?

    Yes, applicants who have undergone refractive laser surgery (PRK or LASIK) are eligible.

    However, the CSA does not recommend that applicants undergo refractive laser surgery for the sole purpose of applying for employment as an astronaut.

    Visit the Requirements and conditions of astronaut employment page to learn more about the required visual acuity.

  • Is it important to know how to swim in order to become an astronaut?

    It is essential for astronauts to be able to swim, tread water and swim underwater.

    During their basic training, astronauts participate in training to prepare them for spacewalks and space missions. As this training often takes place underwater, scuba diving certification is necessary.

    In addition, astronauts in training are required to fly jets. To do so, they must successfully complete a military aquatic survival course.

    During the recruitment campaign evaluations, applicants will be required to take a swimming test and demonstrate the following abilities:

    • swim at least 250 metres in 10 minutes
    • tread water for at least 10 minutes
    • swim at least 15 metres underwater
  • Is the evaluation process physically demanding?

    Yes. Astronaut candidates have to undergo examinations designed to evaluate their ability to become astronauts.

    Because of the physical nature of this career, good physical fitness is essential.

    Visit the Requirements and conditions of astronaut employment page to learn more.

  • In the last astronaut recruitment campaign, how many of the applicants were visible minorities?

    The astronaut recruitment campaign was open to all Canadians who met the education and professional experience requirements. 13.5% of the 3,772 applications received were submitted by applicants who self-identified as visible minorities.

    The selection process was designed to be rigorous and meet the highest standards of fairness. The selected candidates are those who best met all requirements for the position.

    Learn more about the astronaut recruitment campaign: Meet Canada's two new astronauts.

  • What are the requirements and conditions of employment for CSA astronauts?

    Please visit the Requirements and conditions of employment for astronauts page and the How to become an astronaut page.

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