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KASA 2016 STRATOS campaign

The 2016 STRATOS campaign, called KASA 2016, took place from August 10 to September 10, 2016 at the Esrange Space Center in Kiruna, Sweden. Through this mission, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) provided a stratospheric flight opportunity for three payloads developed by industry and academia, as well as support and expert advice for payload preparation and integration. The Canadian payloads were integrated onboard a French gondola to perform a 10-hour stratospheric mission at an altitude of 36 km.

This mission enabled new technologies to be tested and validated and scientific experiments to be performed in a near-space environment at a low cost. With more than 40 student participants, STRATOS 2016 helped train and develop a highly qualified workforce: the next generation of Canadian engineers and scientists. It also contributed to the scientific and technological advancement of the Canadian space sector.

Payload technical descriptions

Fabry-Pérot Spectrometer

The objective was to demonstrate that the instrument could obtain very high spectral resolution measurements related to atmospheric particulates and greenhouse gases. Jointly developed by York University and MPB Communications Inc., this technology has two-dimensional imaging capability and could readily be implemented on a future satellite mission.

Developed by: 

York University and MPB Communications Inc.

Attitude Determination Module

Built by a group of students from the École de technologie supérieure in Montreal, the Attitude Determination Module is a multi-purpose electronics box that can operate in the stratosphere, up to 40 km. Its goal was to record and provide the location and attitude of the gondola during the entire flight. The instrument also monitored, through various sensors, the health of other components onboard the gondola.

Developed by: 

École de technologie supérieure of Montreal

Lightning Probe

The Lightning Probe was entirely developed by a group of high school students from Sir Wilfrid Laurier School in Calgary. The objective was to demonstrate that this data acquisition system could take temperature and pressure measurements during the flight. It was the first time high school students were given access to a stratospheric balloon flight as part of the Stratos Program. More information on the students' project can be found on the CSA's blog.

Developed by: 

Sir Wilfrid Laurier School


Should you have any questions regarding the STRATOS program, contact us at

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