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Joshua Kutryk thanks you


Uploaded on November 19, 2023


Joshua Kutryk thanks you

2023-11-19 - A thank you message from CSA astronaut Joshua Kutryk following the announcement that he will be the next Canadian astronaut to go on a mission to the International Space Station. This will be his first space mission. (Credit: Canadian Space Agency)


Hello everybody and thank you for all your kind words of encouragement! 

It’s a very exciting day. For me, space is about a number of things. It’s about adventure, it's about working together to build a better tomorrow, it's about opportunity. And for me as an individual, I am touched to have this opportunity.

Of course, it is something that I've dreamt about my entire life. But more than that, I'm very proud that Canada has offered us this opportunity. I am proud to be doing this as a Canadian. I think that spaceflight is exciting, but that it’s also important to our future prosperity as a country. 

And so, on those two levels, I wanted to say thank you. Thank you to my friends and family, who have gotten us here. We say that it takes a village and that really is the truth. 

And thank you to all of my colleagues. 

Thank you to the Royal Canadian Air Force. Thank you to all of the teams, of course, at the Canadian Space Agency. Thank you for the scientists, the engineers, the technical folks. And all of the leaders that we have in this country who have dared to go boldly and to make sure that Canada continues to  operate at the forefront of space exploration. 

Thank you!


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