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Photos of Earth - Questions and answers with David Saint-Jacques live from space


Uploaded on March 27, 2019


Photos of Earth - Questions and answers with David Saint-Jacques live from space

2019-03-27 - During the launch of the Exploring Earth initiative, Canadian Space Agency astronaut David Saint-Jacques answers the following question, live from the International Space Station: Can you explain how you take photos of Earth from the Space Station? (Credits: Canadian Space Agency, NASA)


Text: Can you explain how you take photos of Earth from the Space Station? - Adele

David Saint-Jacques: We have this beautiful bay window we call the Cupola. It's like a half-sphere of glass, basically. We can go in there and look in every direction, and we just take a normal camera. We take a normal camera and take photos through the window. We have cameras with different – you know, size of lens, so we can take more zoomed-in photos. And that's how we do it. So, it's just like taking a photo on Earth. You've just got to – you know, adjust for the lighting and take the best shots that you can.


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