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Chris Hadfield's and Steve MacLean's favourite Moon song


Uploaded on October 21, 2022


Chris Hadfield's and Steve MacLean's favourite Moon song

2022-10-21 – Former Canadian Space Agency astronauts Chris Hadfield and Steve MacLean talk about their favourite Moon-related song. (Credit: Canadian Space Agency)


Steve MacLean: My favourite Moon song is kind of bent on the jazz romantic song: it’s Fly Me to the Moon.

Chris Hadfield: Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute. Fly Me to the Moon?

Steve MacLean: Yes, sir.

Chris Hadfield: I mean, what about Moon River? I mean, that was a beautiful song.

Steve MacLean: It took me too long to learn that on the piano.

Chris Hadfield: (singing) Moon River, wider than a mile. It’s beautiful.


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