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Humans of the CSA: engineer Miriam Micael


Uploaded on February 19, 2021


Humans of the CSA: engineer Miriam Micael

2021-02-19 – Miriam Micael, project management engineer at the Canadian Space Agency, introduces herself and answers a few questions. (Credit: Canadian Space Agency)


Miriam: Hi everyone! My name is Miriam Micael. I am a project management engineer here at the Canadian Space Agency. Today I’ll be talking to you a little bit about myself.

Éloïse: What part of your job do you like the most?

Miriam: What we do here at the Canadian Space Agency has a direct impact on Canadians. Up until now, I have had the opportunity to work on the RADARSAT Constellation Mission, along with the Junior Astronauts campaign. The RADARSAT Constellation Mission helps farmers, maritime surveillance along with natural disasters, and for the Junior Astronauts campaign, we are here to inspire youth to get interested in STEM.

Éloïse: What is the biggest learning experience you have had?

Miriam: Setting boundaries for myself and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

Éloïse: What is your favourite hobby?

Miriam: Watching documentaries.

Éloïse: What is your greatest wish for Canada’s future in space?

Miriam: To send a woman to the Moon.

Éloïse: Do you believe in aliens?

Miriam: Do you believe in aliens? One way or another, your opinion is the only thing that matters.

Éloïse: Would you go to the Moon or to Mars?

Miriam: To Mars.

Éloïse: We send you to the International Space Station tomorrow morning. What is the first thing you will do?

Miriam: I think I would like to float around the ISS. I would like to have the weightlessness effect and be able to experience that. I think that would be something pretty cool.

Éloïse: Thank you, Miriam, for taking the time to answer my questions. To learn more about the jobs at the Canadian Space Agency, visit the Humans of the CSA webpage.


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