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A shout out to the CSA from NASA astronauts during a spacewalk


Uploaded on February 17, 2017


A shout out to the CSA from NASA astronauts during a spacewalk

2017-02-17 - During their spacewalk on January 6, 2017, NASA astronauts thanked the Canadian Space Agency for Dextre's major robotic contributions to the battery replacement operation.   (Credit: NASA)


NASA astronaut Shane Kimbrough: I am sitting here looking at (hesitates) SPDM, I gotta give a shout out to the CSA folks who (pause) set the table for us and got all the (pause) batteries and (pause) everything set up for us to come out and to work today, so thank you CSA.

NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson:  Yeah that was grrreat!

Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano: And Shane, we will pass it along. I am sure everyone appreciates those words.


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