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CSA astronaut Chris Hadfield trains in a Soyuz Simulator in Star City, Russia


Uploaded on February 3, 2012


CSA astronaut Chris Hadfield trains in a Soyuz Simulator in Star City, Russia

2012-02-03 - Follow Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield as he explains Soyuz training in Star City, Russia, during a simulator run with his crewmates, NASA astronaut Tom Marshburn and Russian Space Agency cosmonaut Roman Romanenko. The Expedition 34/35 crew will launch from Kazakhstan in December 2012 and will live and work on board the International Space Station (ISS) for six months. During the last two months of his stay, Hadfield will become the first Canadian Commander of the ISS. (Credit: Canadian Space Agency)


Chris Hadfield:  Good morning. We're at the Soyuz simulator in Star City, Russia. The technicians getting it ready for us. What we're gonna do today is entering the atmosphere, picking up the phase of flight where we've been in space for six months and now we're gonna fire the engines and come back to the Earth.

(Speaking Russian)

It's one of our very first sims with all three of the crew members of Expedition 35 on it. There's gonna be a lot of malfunctions, it will keep us busy all day. We're wearing our flight suits and it's kind of all the theory, all the preparation, all the compulsory's pay-off. And today is the real deal.


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